Saturday, November 22, 2008

楊千嬅 - 撈月亮的人 / 一葉舟

Haven't heard such great songs from Miriam Yueng.
Fall in love with the songs within seconds.




淚光裝飾夜晚 路燈點綴感嘆

夜色即將逝去 月色握在手裡

月半彎 淡如逝水一般映照你下落
陝路短 走過璀璨情境漸漸微薄
讓背影 盪游湖水深處擁抱我月光
歲月短 遺下一片弱質纖纖愉快感覺

霧色安撫月缺 大街依舊積雪

月半彎 淡如逝水一般映照你下落
陝路短 走過璀璨情境漸漸微薄
讓背影 盪游湖水深處擁抱我月光
歲月短 遺下一片弱質纖纖愉快感覺

月半彎 淡如逝水一般映照我願望
你樣子 反照優美湖水未及撈獲
下輩子 順從回憶牽引走進老地方
你是否 同樣身處月色之中像我瓢泊




人潮洶湧 誰偷偷失了蹤
埋頭披風 連快樂亦懸空

頑強闖關 嫌快或是嫌慢
逃離刻板 何處又是靈山
生命線 有沒有辦法轉彎

迷失在這地球 為何不順性放手
載沉 又再浮 太率性不甘心顫抖
隨一葉蚱蜢舟 忘懷心想往那裡走
無形無相 不過一回頭
水中境 夢裡酒 還有沒有

誰如驚弓 已緊得不會鬆
誰曾忠告 能快樂便成功
只是牡丹一片紅 讓我看漏了星空
生命線 紊亂到亂接一通

迷失在這地球 為何不順性放手
載沉 又再浮 太率性不甘心顫抖
隨一葉蚱蜢舟 忘懷心想往那裡走
無形無相 不過一回頭
水中鏡 夢裡酒 還有沒有


隨波未怕逐流 隨靈感輕挽我手
到有日 白了頭 也不致為誰而內疚
浮生在蚱蜢舟 忘懷心想往哪裡走
逆流順去 想化身蜉蝣
心所要 未到手 能有便有

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

ゆず - シシカバブ

Yuzu's New Single released
As usual, full of energy and lots of motivation!
Great happy song!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wonder Girls - Nobody

My favorite Korean music video of the year!
So Retro!! So Catchy!! So Beautiful and such excellent Dance Choreography!!
Great Job!! Wonder Girls!! Hope to see more even better music videos!!

Live version - Better than I thought

Thursday, November 13, 2008

再見了 黎礎寧

芳華才24歲 如今只有在過去的記憶里悼念這位歌壇才女

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

星村麻衣 - ひかり

This is the theme song of the Japanese Drama "Tomorrow" that was shown in Japan just recently. Most Japanese drama disc sets are easily available in the store right after it has been shown in Japan, which is very good especially for someone who love Japanese drama like me. I managed to buy the disc set and loved this drama and this song.




※ひかりの先に 笑顔の先に
激しく胸に 残す事実に




明日になれば 陽はまた昇る

君の笑顔 ぱっと咲いた

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Leon Jackson - Don't Call This Love

The X Factor UK Season 5 has began and this year standard has indeed been raised to a higher level. I was very disappointed that Amy Connolly did not made it to the Final 12 and that was indeed a huge mistake on Cheryl's decision. I believe Amy Connolly will make it big someday if she continue on.

Season 4 winner, Leon Jackson has released his first album and I can't wait to get my hand on the CD but stores here are rarely so efficient or might not even be imported over after all. Anyway, will try to go and check it out at the store tomorrow.

Leon Jackson - Don't Call This Love

Saturday, October 18, 2008

张亚飞 - 愛得太多



I Will Always Love You

Monday, September 22, 2008

Personality Assessment Test

I took this personality test and it prove to be very accurate to how I view myself.

You can take the test at

My Personality Report:

My personalDNA Report

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Just Two Nice Korean Songs

The Cross - 하루만 한 번만 (Just One Day Just One Time)

Sweet Sorrow - Simple Life(Live)
Theme Song of Korean Drama "Money War"

Sunday, June 8, 2008


The winner of Million Star Season 1 finally released his long waited 1st album 神秘嘉宾. He totally deserved to win the contest and his new songs are great, one can easily connect to the melody and lyrics or maybe there are so much room for imagination. Believe it or not, you can listen for yourself.

林宥嘉 伯乐

林宥嘉 神秘嘉賓

林宥嘉 眼色 (Live at press conference)

林宥嘉 残酷月光

林宥嘉 病态

Mónica Naranjo

I'm starting to fall in love with this powerful Spanish singer, Mónica Naranjo. Her latest album, Tarantula is worth the time and effort to listen. Although I don't understand Spanish, I feel that her voice and the dance music arrangement attracted me to fall in love with her songs. Her versatile vocal range can reach from low to very high which is indeed not many singers can do that. I've listen to some of her old releases but I couldn't really connect to the songs, well I suppose it take time to produce a good singer. I'll defintely keep a look out for her in the future with more great releases.

Europa - World Class Performance


Amor y Lujo

Todo Mentira

Saturday, May 24, 2008


一个人廳著易傑齊的新歌 觸動了佷多的情緒
忽然好想寫些东西 只是胡說八道吧

茫茫碌碌 終點在何处
情緒與善良的遺忘 我都看到
朋友的無訥與憤意 我都聽到





直從朋友介紹了五月天的閩南語歌 '志明與春嬌', 我開始慢慢愛上了台語歌.
五月天的台語歌 '軋車', '心中無別人', '憨人' 也讓我開始認識了五月天.
真的佷可惜, 好久都沒有聽到五月天新的台語歌了.

最近不知不覺中我又開始廳了佷多閩南語歌, 好像已經愛上了這樣的感覺.
我最近都在學唱萧煌奇的歌像'唱歌乎恁聽', '阿嬤的話', '愛你一世人', '愛這首歌', '甲我跳舞好否, 等等 好歌.

有幾位歌手的台語歌, 我都有在廳. 比如 '翁立友', '江蕙', '施文彬', '林姍', '孫淑媚', '谢金燕', '秀兰玛雅' 當然少不了我佷喜歡的歌手 - '王识贤'. 佷想跟你們分享以下的這幾首我喜歡的歌.







Friday, May 23, 2008

信 - 错了

最近愛上了這首歌 不是一首新歌
是信唱的好歌 真是太好聽了

信 - 错了

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Yuzu - Wonderful World

After two years of waiting, Yuzu new album "Wonderful World" was released on April 2008. This is one of the album that has to be on my purchase list. Their new single "Yesterday and Tommorrow" will be released in June 2008. If you ask me why I like them so much, well I will have to say that they sing with their life and the energy release are so positive and strong. The song "Wonderful World" is accompany with a 70-member orchestra, it sounded just too wonderful. Enjoy another great album from Yuzu.

Wonderful World



Sunday, May 11, 2008

Josie Ho 何超仪 Rocks!!

Many many years back, Josie released her first Chinese album and that was a great album although it's not too well accepted but I love her unique and lowly voice. She released her new album called "Elastic Rocks" and I like her doing the cover version of "偿还", it's so special as compare with Faye Wong and Teresa Deng version. If you can't accept different kind of interpretation of the song, please go listen to other singers. By the way, the MV is quite spooky but nicely taken.

She is not your kind of good girl image and she never wanted to be one. Totally love her attitude and really can't wait to get her album in stores, not sure whether it can be released locally. If you can't accept alternative then try "愛情靈藥".
Did I forget to mention that she is the daughter of casino magnate Stanley Ho.




Two old songs (Taken from the first album) - Love these songs
Please go to

快走开 (En Vogue's "Free Your Mind" Cover version)

Charlotte Perrelli - Hero

Haven't been updating the blog, maybe because I'm too lazy or there haven't been any nice discovery. Just as I was giving up, this Swedish singer brings a new excitement with her voice and song "Hero". This song won at the Melodifestivalen 2008 to represent Sweden at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008. This song won again at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008. This is indeed a great song and so enjoy.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test

This is a widely well known personality tool since developed in the 1940s. The test is very easy, it just require you to select the 4 different types of letter and there you have your type. Mine is ISTJ (Dominant Introverted Sensing) and I agree 99% with it. If you know which type people belong to, you might find it easier to communicate and understand them in work or personal life. What your type, have you find out?

Friday, March 14, 2008

Favourite Song for Million Star Season 2

It has been a few months since the end of the singing contest show Million Star Season 2. My favourite song for the season will be 流浪记 by 梁文音. Although it's really a pity that she did not win the contest but she has introduced many good songs to me.

This song has indeed touch me deeply maybe because I have the same feelings before. I was struggling my thoughts of being a failure in the society, I do believe I'm good but maybe due to not knowing how to lie or put on a false appearance which lead to failure in life or was it due to people's perception and acceptance of the society and environment. Anyway, I really love the lyrics as below:

我以为我并不差 能学会虚假

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ito Yuna & Celine Dion

It's quite a surprise to see a Japanese artist singing a duet with Celine Dion. One singing in English, the other one in Japanese. Both of them do really have a very good and powerful vocal and thus it's a very enjoyable song. I have always admire Ito Yuna and I hope she will have more solid releases in the future.

First Young American Enka Singer

Jero ( ジェロ), the first black american enka singer to make his name in Japan. The future is going to be very exciting for him since this is only his first single and it's selling very well in Japan.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Soon it will be Sakura season again, here some photos to refresh my sakura memories on my trip to Japan, Tokyo.

Sakura by the road

Sakura in Yokohama

Sakura in the Shinjuku Gyoen

Sakura at the Shrine

A little sakura bloom at Ueno Park. :(

Entrance of Ueno Park

Saturday, March 1, 2008

One More Time One More Chance

Recently, I was watching the latest Japan annual NHK Red White musical show. In the show, there was a tribute to Zard, who passed away last year. I start to think what song I want to listen again after all this years. The first that come to my mind is this song. One More Time One More Chance by Yamazaki Masayoshi 山崎まさよし. I believe everyone have regrets along the way and forgot how to treasure our loved ones until they have left us. When we want to find them again, where will they be? Will we have another time and chance? This song accompany with acoustic guitar will touch your inner emotions, praise must be given to the singer performance too.

MTV Version

Live Version from 56th NHK


これ以上何を失えば 心は許されるの
Kore ijou nani wo ushinaeba kokoro wa yurusareru no

どれ程の痛みならば もういちど君に会える
Dore hodo no itami naraba mou ichido kimi ni aeru

One more time 季節よ うつろわないで
One more time kisetsu yo utsurowanaide

One more time ふざけあった 時間よ
One more time fuzake atta jikan yo

くいちがう時はいつも 僕が先に折れたね
Kuichigau toki wa itsumo boku ga saki ni oreta ne

わがままな性格が なおさら愛しくさせた
Wagamama na seikaku ga naosara itoshiku saseta

One more chance 記憶に足を取られて
One more chance kioku ni ashi wo torarete

One more chance 次の場所を選べない
One more chance tsugi no basho wo erabenai

いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
Itsu demo sagashite iru yo dokka ni kimi no sugata wo

向いのホーム 路地裏の窓
Mukai no hoomu rojiura no mado

Konna toko ni iru hazu mo nai no ni

願いがもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ
Negai ga moshimo kanau nara ima sugu kimi no moto e

できないことは もうなにもない
Dekinai koto wa mou nanimo nai

Subete kakete dakishimete miseru yo

Sabishisa magirasu dake nara

Dare demo ii hazu na no ni

Hoshi ga ochisou na yoru dakara

Jibun wo itsuwarenai

One more time 季節よ うつろわないで
One more time kisetsu yo utsurowanaide

One more time ふざけあった時間よ
One more time fuzake atta jikan yo

いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
Itsu demo sagashite iru yo dokka ni kimi no sugata wo

交差点でも 夢の中でも
Kousaten demo yume no naka demo

Konna toko ni iru hazu mo nai no ni

奇跡がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に見せたい
Kiseki ga moshimo okoru nara ima sugu kimi ni misetai

新しい朝 これからの僕
Atarashii asa kore kara no boku

Ienakatta suki to iu kotoba mo

Natsu no omoide ga mawaru
Fui ni kieta kodou

いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
Itsu demo sagashite iru yo dokka ni kimi no sugata wo

明け方の街 桜木町で
Akegata no machi sakuragichou de

Konna toko ni kuru hazu mo nai no ni

願いがもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ
Negai ga moshimo kanau nara ima sugu kimi no moto e

Dekinai koto wa mou nanimo nai

Subete kakete dakishimete miseru yo

Itsu demo sagashite iru yo

Dokka ni kimi no kakera wo

旅先の店 新聞の隅
Tabisaki no mise shinbun no sumi

Konna toko ni aru hazu mo nai no ni

奇跡がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に見せたい
Kiseki ga moshimo okoru nara ima sugu kimi ni misetai

新しい朝 これからの僕
Atarashii asa kore kara no boku

Ienakatta suki to iu kotoba mo

いつでも捜してしまう どっかに君の笑顔を
Itsu demo sagashite shimau dokka ni kimi no egao wo

急行待ちの 踏切あたり
Kyuukou machi no fumikiri atari

Konna toko ni iru hazu mo nai no ni

命が繰り返すならば 何度も君のもとへ
Inochi ga kurikaesu naraba nandomo kimi no moto e

欲しいものなど もう何もない
Hoshii mono nado mou nanimo nai

Kimi no hoka ni taisetsu na mono nado

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Finally, JLPT Result Out!

Today when I opened my mailbox and saw the letter from the Japanese Cultural Society, I know the result is out. After looking at the score, I discovered that I have passed my listening : ) Oh My God!! I cannot believe it hahaha. I did quite all right for the two other test and so I PASSED!! Ok now must work even harder for the JLPT3 this coming year end.

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Three Signs of a Miserable Job

I borrowed this book from the library "The Three Signs of a Miserable Job" by Patrick Lencioni. This is really the first time I was so addicted to the book that I finished in just a day. It was maybe due to my own personal miserable experiences in a job and there was a strong interest in finding out more. I strongly believe all people deserved to be happy and able to find meaning in their own job. This is a book I strongly recommend anyone to read up and stop going to work feeling miserable.

The book actually start with a story of a retired executive searching for meaning in his life and career. It focus alot on employee relations that really help in the job you are doing and improving the way you feel on the job. The style of the book is very simple and short in each chapters which make it very easy to read.

Some Questions for Patrick Lencioni

Q: Why did you decide to write this book?
A: As a kid, I watched my dad trudge off to work each day and became somewhat obsessed with the notion of job misery. Somewhere along the line, I came to the frightening realization that people spend so much time at work yet so many of them were unfulfilled and frustrated in their jobs. As I got older, I came to another realization--that job misery was having a devastating impact on individuals, and on society at large. It seemed to me that understanding the cause of the problem, and finding a solution for it, was a worthy focus for my career.

Q: What exactly is a miserable job?

A:A miserable job is not the same as a bad one. A bad job lies in the eye of the beholder. One person’s dream job might be another person’s nightmare. But a miserable job is universal. It is one that makes a person cynical and frustrated and demoralized when they go home at night. It drains them of their energy, their enthusiasm and their self-esteem. Miserable jobs can be found in every industry and at every level. Professional athletes, CEOs and actors can be--and often are-- as miserable as ditch diggers, janitors and fast food workers.

Q: How prevalent is job misery?

A: Attend any kind of social gathering, anywhere in the country, and talk about work. The stories and anecdotal evidence confirming job misery are overwhelming. Misery spans all income levels, ages and geography. A recent Gallup poll found that 77% of people hate their jobs. Gallup also contends that this ailing workforce is costing employers more than $350 billion dollars in lost productivity.

Q: What is the root cause of job misery?

A: The primary source of job misery and the potential cure for that misery resides in the hands of one individual--the direct manager. There are countless studies confirming this statement, including both Gallup and The Blanchard Companies. Both organizations have found that an employee’s relationship with their direct manager is the most important determinant to employee satisfaction (over pay, benefits, perks, work-life balance etc).

Even employees who are well paid, do interesting work and have great autonomy, cannot feel fulfilled in a job if their managers are not providing them with what they need on a daily or weekly basis.

Q: What are the three signs?

The first is anonymity, which is the feeling that employees get when they realize that their manager has little interest in them a human being and that they know little about their lives, their aspirations and their interests.

The second sign is irrelevance, which takes root when employees cannot see how their job makes a difference in the lives of others. Every employee needs to know that the work they do impacts someone’s life--a customer, a co-worker, even a supervisor--in one way or another.

The third sign is something I call "immeasurement," which is the inability of employees to assess for themselves their contribution or success. Employees who have no means of measuring how well they are doing on a given day or in a given week, must rely on the subjective opinions of others, usually their managers’, to gauge their progress or contribution.

Q: Why don’t managers do these things?

A: As simple as the three signs are, the fact remains that few managers take a genuine interest in their people, remind them of the impact that their work has on others, and help them establish creative ways to measure and assess their performance.

There are a number of reasons. First, many managers think they are too busy. Of course, the real problem is that most of those managers see themselves primarily as individual contributors who happen to have direct reports. They fail to realize that the most important part of their jobs is providing their people with what they need to be productive and fulfilled (a.k.a. not miserable) in their jobs.

The second reason that managers don’t provide their employees with the three things they need is that they simply forget what is was like when they were a little lower on the food chain. They somehow forget how important it was to them when a supervisor took an interest in them, talked to them about why their work really mattered and gave them a means for evaluating their progress.

Finally, many managers don’t do this because they are embarrassed or afraid to try. They fear that their employees will see them as being disingenuous or manipulative, or that by taking an interest in their personal lives they will be stepping into inappropriate territory. It’s almost as though they fail to understand the difference between the interview process (no personal questions allowed!) and the actual work experience (treat people like a full human being).

Q: What can a miserable employee do to improve his or her situation?

A: The first thing they can do is assess whether their manager is interested in and capable of addressing the three things that are required. And they have to realize that most managers really do want to improve, in spite of the fact that they may seem disinterested.

The second thing miserable employees need to do is help their managers understand what it is they need. If they have a strong relationship with their manager, they can come right out and say it ("You know, it would mean a lot to me if you knew more about who I am and what makes me tick." or, "Can you sit down and help me understand why this work I’m doing makes a difference to someone?").

Finally, employees would do well for themselves if they turned the tables and started doing for their managers what they want for themselves. For instance, employees who take a greater interest in the life of their managers are bound to infect them with the same kind of human interest. Similarly, employees who take the time to tell their managers (in a non suck-up kind of way) about the impact they have on their job satisfaction, will likely inspire them to respond in kind.

However, if an employee comes to the conclusion that his or her manager is indeed completely disinterested in helping them find fulfillment in their work, it may well be time to start looking for a new job.

Q: Why do so many professional athletes and entertainers seem miserable in their jobs?

A: In spite of the money they make and the attention they receive from fans and the media, many athletes and entertainers experience one or all of the three signs of a miserable job.

Most professional athletes feel anonymous in their jobs because their coaches and managers dedicate little, if any, time or energy getting to know them personally. I’ve had coaches tell me "Hey, these guys are professionals and this is a business. They don’t need anything special from me." Keep in mind that they are referring to young men in their early twenties who are living on their own for the first time and feel surprisingly alone--even with all the fan attention.

Entertainers are in similar situations, but for them, it is often relevance that suffers. Many actors cannot reconcile their celebrity and wealth with the fact that they see their work as being somewhat unimportant, in terms of impacting the lives of others. Perhaps that’s why so many of them get involved in charitable causes or politics--it gives them a sense of purpose.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thank You Clare Oliver

After watching the news tonight about Clare Oliver make me feel very sad. She was just a young lady about to begin her life with more exciting journey but time has been so unfair. Life can be so unpredictable and one should treasure the moments in life in a more meaningful way. You will be forever a hero in many people's heart and the good deeds you had done will be forever grateful. Thank you for your brave acts in using the last moments for your life to promote public awareness of skin cancer and solariums. You will be happy to hear that the government would enact legislation to tighten the control of solariums. Please rest in peace.

Shortly before her death, Ms Oliver - who aspired to become a journalist - wrote a moving account of her battle.

She wrote:

"I AM at peace. But if I could go back and talk to myself when I was 19 I would tell that girl not to use a solarium -- that melanoma is not a small cancer that you just have cut out and you will be fine.

I may pass in another week or it could be two. If I really fight it out, I may even have six weeks left.
It's scary, because I feel myself getting more tired, and each time I feel sleepy it worries me that I might not wake up.

So far I have lived 25 years. If I am lucky I will reach 26 because my birthday is on Saturday.
It is a short life, but I have lived it.

Subconsciously I did know that cancer was involved with solariums because I was aware of UV A and UV B rays.

But when I was 19, I saw a cheap offer of ``buy 10 sessions and get 20''.

The girl working at the tanning salon told me the fastest way to get a tan was to come in every second day and use speed cream.

My mum told me it was abnormal to get in a box and fry myself, but I told her it was cool and everyone was doing it.

After the 10th session I was starting to burn and it hurt, so I stopped. But I guess I stopped too late.
It would be irresponsible of me to blame it just on solariums, because I grew up in St Kilda and went to the beach a lot.

But you can't tell me the Government doesn't realise the dangers of solariums.

Young girls need to go out and educate themselves about solariums before they make any decisions.

Obviously my decision has been made, and I think they should be banned. But now that you know my story and the resulting risks involved, hopefully you will realise it is not worth having a golden tan.

I am angry at myself mostly, but I can't believe how much the industry is booming.

A lot of friends tell me I still have a lot of life left in me, but I just live every day as though it is my last.

I was 22 when diagnosed. I had just finished a Bachelor of Media and Communication and a Master of Cinema at the University of Melbourne and started work as a sports journalist at SBS.
I was on top of the world.

But I only got to work for three weeks and then I found out about my cancer.

I will never get to climb the so-called ladder, and even now I complain about not being able to run the rat race with everyone else.

I know I would be good at it -- I think I would be great at it.

I wanted to go to the top, but now feel I have so much potential that will be unused.

It was 2004 when they found a tumour under my left armpit, which they treated with immunotherapy.

In July 2005, it came back and this time they treated me with radiotherapy.

I was cancer-free for a year and seven months, and then in April I found a lump in my neck. I thought they could just cut it out, but it turns out there were seven tumours in my chest and one in my lung.

Now they have stopped counting how many there are.

I had all these ideas and in the end I was ready to accept that two years would be more than enough time left.

But I have accepted it, especially now that I am nearing the end and I am at peace.

When you are someone like me you realise that life is everything and you grab it with both hands and embrace it.

If there is something that you feel needs to be done, go and do it, and do it wholeheartedly because life is short.

People ask me how I can still be so happy with all this on my plate. But I have lived my life as a spark. I don't want to live a life where I am living until I am 100 and just flat boring.

I have always lived my life with compassion and passion. I have never been one to keep my silence about anything I have felt passionate about. ''

Melanoma is no joke. And I will keep championing this cause till the day I take my last breath."

Friday, February 15, 2008

ゆず - ストーリー

Yuzu ゆず, my favorite japanese band released another single "Story" in February 08. Everytime, their song seem to have a power that will bring you away from the reality life and able to relax your mind and understand that being alive is so wonderful!! Though I don't understand every single word they are singing but it's just feel so nice. I think music is more about feelings than understanding. I don't think I will be able to see them perform live unless I fly to Japan. How I wish I am in Japan now hahaha

If you want to feel their energy, take a look at their "Go Home Concert 2005" in Yokohama performing "夏色" - Natsu Iro. Wow Really love the song and the atmosphere there.

Happy 10th Anniversary for Yuzu and they released the "Yuzu No Ne" Live Concert in February 2008. Must save money and import it over :). Here one clip performing "春風" - Harukaze with 葉加瀬太郎 Hakase Taro (Volinist).

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Japanese Lesson - な (Na) Adjectives

In the japanese dictionary you will find that the adjective will end with Na is called the na-adjective. The na adjective can modify a noun by placing (な)in front of a noun.

な Na-adjectives examples:

好きな すき(な)Suki (Na) (Like)
元気な げんき(な)Genki (Na) (Healthy/Well)
健康な けんこう(な)Kenkou (Na) (Healthy, in good health)
上手な じょうず(な)Jouzu (Na) (Skillful)
便利な べんり(な)Benri (Na) (Convenient)
不便な ふべん(な)Fuben (Na) (Inconvenient)
静かな しずか(な)Shizuka (Na) (Quiet)
親切な しんせつ(な)Shinsetsu (Na) (Kind)
意地悪な いじわる(な)Ijiwaru (Na) (Mean)
危険な きけん(な)Kiken (Na) (Dangerous)
安全な あんぜん(な)Anzen (Na) (Safe)
頑固な がんこ(な)Ganko (Na)(Stubborn)
正直な しょうじき(な)Shoujiki (Na) (Honest)
大丈夫な だいじょうぶ(な)Daijoubu (Na) (All Right/OK)
利発な りはつ(な)Rihatsu (Na) (Intelligent)
快活な かいかつ(な)Kaikatsu (Na) (Cheerfulness/Liveliness)
簡単な かんたん(な)Kantan (Na) (Easy/Simple)
馬鹿な ばか(な)Baka (Na) (Foolish/Useless)
凸凹な でこぼこ(な)Dekoboko (Na) (Bumpy/Lumpy/Irregular/Uneven)
色々な いろいろ(な)Iroiro (Na) (Various/Variety)
自由な じゆう(な)Jiyuu (Na) (Free)
無邪気な むじゃき(な)Mujaki (Na) (Innocent)
完全な かんぜん(な)Kanzen (Na) (Perfect/Completed)
嫌な  いや(な)Iya (Na) (Unpleasant/Disgusting/Offensive)
異常な いじょう(な)Ijyou (Na) (Abnormal)
臆病な おくびょう(な)Okubyou (Na) (Cowardly/Timid)
穏やかな おだやか(な)Odayaka (Na) (Calm/Quiet)
主な  おも(な)Omo (Na) (Chief/Main/Principal/Foremost)
勝手な かってん(な)Katten (Na) (Selfish/Convenient for oneself)

Exceptional cases (end with い(i)):
綺麗な きれい (な) kirei (Na) (Pretty/Clean/Tidy)
有名な ゆうめい(な) Yuumei (Na) (Famous)
丁寧な ていねい(な)Teinei (Na) (Polite)
失礼な しつれい(な)Shitsurei (Na) (Rude/Impolite)
巨大な きょだい(な)Kyodai (Na) (Huge/Gigantic)
短命な てんめい(な)Tenmei (Na) (Short-lived)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

IQ test

Went to test my IQ and my result as below.
Well it prove I'm not a dumb person after all hahaha

Free IQ Test Score - IQ Test

Intelligence Interval Cognitive Designation
40 - 54 Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers)
55 - 69 Challenged (2.3% of test takers)
70 - 84 Below average
85 - 114 Average (68% of test takers)
115 - 129 Above average
130 - 144 Gifted (2.3% of test takers)
145 - 159 Genius (Less than 1% of test takers)
160 - 175 Extraordinary genius

Japanese Lesson - い (i) adjective

There are two types of adjective in japanese language : i-adjectives and na-adjectives. i-adjective will normally end with an ~i.

i-adjectives examples:

新しい(あたらしい) Atarashii (New)
古い (ふるい)Furui (Old)
熱い (あつい) Atsui (Hot)
冷たい(つめたい)Tsumetai (Cold)
寒い (さむい) Samui (Cold temperature)
涼しい(すずしい)Suzushii (Cool temperature)
暖かい(あたたかい)Atatakai (Warm)
美味しい(おいしい)Oishii (Delicious)
不味い(まずい)Mazui (Not delicious/Awful)
遅い (おそい)Osoi (Slow)
早い (はやい)Hayai (Early)
暗い (くらい) Kurai (Dark)
明るい(あかるい)Akarui (Bright)
低い (ひくい)Hikui (Low)
大きい(おおきいい)Ookii (Big)
小さい(ちいさい)Chiisai (Small)
高い (たかい)Takai (High/Expensive)
安い (やすい)Yasui (Cheap)
つまらない Tsumaranai (Boring)
面白い(おもしろい)Omoshiroi (Interesting)
良い (いい)Ii (Good)
悪い (わるい)Warui (Bad)
近い (ちかい)Chikai (Near)
遠い (とおい)Tooi (Far)
忙しい(いそがしい)Isogashii (Busy)
難しい(むずかしい)Muzukashii (Difficult)
煩い (うるさい)Urusai (Noisy)
汚い (きたない)Kitanai (Dirty)
辛い (からい)Karai (Spicy)
重い (おもい)Omoi (Heavy)
軽い (かるい)Karui (Light)
太い (ふとい)Futoi (Great/Thick)
細い (ほそい)Hosoi (Thin/Slender)
長い (ながい)Nagai (Long)
短い (みじかい)Mijikai (Short)
若い (わかい)Wakai (Young)
狭い (せまい)Semai (Narrow)
広い (ひろい)Hiroi (Broad/Wide)
楽しい(たのしい)Tanoshii (Fun)
甘い (あまい)Amai (Sweet)
酸っぱい(すっぱい)Suppai (Sour)
醜い (みにくい)Minikui (Ugly)
美しい(うつくしい)Utsukushii (Beautiful)
可笑しい(おかしい)Okashii (Funny)
正しい(ただしい)Tadashii (Correct)
強い (つよい)Tsuyoi (Strong/Powerful)
弱い (よわい)Yowai (Weak)
寂しい(さびしい)Sabishii (Lonely)
怖い (こわい)Kowai (Scary/Afraid)
臭い (くさい)Kusai (Smelly)
男らしい(おとこらしい)Otokorashii (Manly)
女らしい(おんならしい)Onnarashii (Feminine)
手厳しい(てきびしい)Tekibishii (Very strict)
無い (ない)Nai (Not Exist)
懐かしい(なつかしい)Natsukashii (Beloved/Missed/Longed for)
眠い (ねむい)Nemui (Sleepy)
腹黒い(はらぐろい)Haraguroi (Malicious/Devious)
深い (ふかい)Fukai (Deep/Profound)
酷い (ひどい)Hidoi (Severe/Cruel)
疑わしい(うたがわしい)Utagawashii (Doubtful/Uncertain/Suspicious)
貧しい(まずしい)Mazushii (Poor)
危ない(あぶない)Abunai (Dangerous/Critical)
愛しい(いとしい)Itoshii (Dear/Loved/Precious)